The - Warning

Once upon a time, Martin (Marty) Kuhn developed a website with a lot of information on polaroid cameras and films - a complete database of a very complicated universe built by Edwin Land, founder of Polaroid Corp.

Widely know as "The Land List", this website has been a huge help for all polaroid and instant film lovers. Although the website hasn't been updated for a while, the info was still accurate. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, the website disappeared a few weeks ago. 

Pure coincidence, a copy of the site has been made just before it went down. Still hoping it would come back, I didn't make anything with the files. But it's been a while now, and I decided to put it back online.

I therefore tried to contact Marty, but the e-mail given on the website is not valid anymore. I couldn't find any alternative e-mail either.

So I decided to take the risk :)

Be aware that this website has been built by Martin Kuhn, and not me. I didn't change anything to the files, some links are probably dead, some pictures are missing, and the e-mails don't work.

But most of the site is still available, and I am pretty sure this will still help a lot of people out there.

Enjoy !



Follow this link to go to the land list.


*of course, if I break any copyrights, or if Martin doesn't agree with this, I will take it down. Contact me: contact {at}