The Land List -- Accessory Listings
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This is an index of accessories that have been offered by Polaroid for its
various amateur cameras and films. Accessories intended for professional,
scientific, and industrial markets are not included here at this time.
There are two sections to this list.
The first section is a simple no-frills
numeric index sorted by the
Polaroid model number of the accessory.
This may be helpful if you happen upon an unknown Polaroid accessory
(or a reference to one) and would like to identify it and determine
which camera models with which it was designed to be used. Accessories
with no known model number are omitted from this section.
In the second section, (Camera Type Index),
the accessories are sorted into categories
according to their "companion" cameras. In most cases, some
additional details are provided about each accessory. This may
be helpful if you own a Polaroid camera and would like to know
what accessories were made for it and/or which accessories you might
find useful.
Numeric Index:
- Accessories are sorted by Polaroid model numbers
- Descriptions: Names which are Capitalized indicate the actual Polaroid
labeled name of the accessory.
- CamTp: This indicates the general category(ies) of camera for
which the accessory was designed, and is only intended as a basic guide.
More specific information regarding particular camera models is given
in the second section.
- Orig. Price: Prices are suggested retail, but may not necessarily be
the price at the time of introduction (it appears, however, that accessory
list prices were kept fairly constant, so this is likely not of much
Possible CamTp entries are as follows:
- Roll : Cameras using Polaroid 30- or 40-series rollfilm
- Pack : Cameras using Polaroid 100- or 80-series peel-apart packfilm
- SX70 : Cameras using SX-70 integral-print film
- 600 : Cameras using 600 integral-print film
- Spec : Cameras using Spectra integral-print film
- PV : Cameras using Polavision Phototapes
- Prin : Print-related accessories
Model # Description CamTp Org.Price
111 Tripod Mount SX70 $ ?.??
112 Remote Shutter Button SX70 $ ?.??
113 Accessory Holder SX70 $ ?.??
114 Carrying Case; pouch style SX70 $ ?.??
116 Compartment Case SX70 $ ?.??
117 Photo Album Prin $ ?.??
119A Telephoto Lens SX70 $ ?.??
120 Development Timer Roll $ ?.??
120 Lens Shade (requires #113) SX70 $ ?.??
121 Close-Up Kit (requires #113) SX70 $ ?.??
122 Carrying Case SX70 $ ?.??
126 Development Timer; mechanical, adhesive tape Pack $ ?.??
127 Development Timer; mechanical, adhesive tape Pack $ ?.??
128 Development Timer; mechanical, strap-mount Pack $ 7.50
129 Photo Album Prin $ ?.??
132 Self-Timer SX70 $ ?.??
184 Accessory Kit (contains #111,112,113,120,121) SX70 $ ?.??
191 Cable Release Pack $ 2.20
192 Self-Timer Pack $ 5.95
193 Cold-Clip Pack $ ?.??
200 flashgun, large, w/cord Roll $ 15.75 (?)
201 flashgun, large, w/cord Roll $ ?.??
202 flashgun, small, w/cord Roll $ ?.??
208 Copymaker (complete copy stand outfit) Roll $ 99.75
221 flashgun, w/ ASA cord Roll $ ?.??
222 flashgun, small, w/ ASA cord Roll $ ?.??
230 Print Copier Roll $ 29.95
240 flashgun, small, w/cord Roll $ ?.??
240 Print Copier Roll $ 29.95
250 Wink-Light Roll $ ??.??
251 Wink-Light Roll $ ??.??
252 Wink-Light Roll $ ??.??
256 Auxiliary Flasher; for Wink-Lights Roll $ ?.??
259 flashgun, AG-1, for Swinger Sentinel Roll $ ?.??
261 tripod adapter spacer Roll $ ?.??
268 flashgun, clip-on, for M3 bulbs Pack $ ??.??
274 Cutter Bar Adapter (for standard cutter bars) Roll $ ??.??
274L Cutter Bar Adapter (for locking cutter bars) Roll $ ??.??
280 flashgun, clip-on, for AG-1 bulbs Pack $ ??.??
281 flashgun, shoe contact, white Roll $ 12.95
290 bounce flash bracket Roll $ 1.95
291 bounce flash bracket, hot shoe contact Roll $ 2.95
292 bounce flash bracket, hot shoe contact Roll $ 2.95
307 Carrying Case; slim-style, top-open Roll $ ??.??
308 Carrying Case; medium size, front-open Roll $ ??.??
309 Deluxe Compartment Case; top-open Roll $ 24.95
322 Carrying Case; medium size, top-open Pack $ ?.??
324 Carrying Case; slim-style, front-open Pack $ ?.??
326 Carrying Case; large size, top-open Pack $ 8.95
330 Color Adapter Kit Roll $ ?.??
342 Carrying Case Pack $ 5.95
363 Fast Charger; for #365 Electronic Flash Head Pack $ ??.??
365 Electronic Flash Head; Model 360 only Pack $ ??.??
381 Shoulder Case; top-open flap Roll $ 9.95
382 Compartment Case; top-open Roll $ 19.95
440 Photoelectric Shutter; grey Roll $ ??.??
440A Photoelectric Shutter; white Roll $ ??.??
450 Sky Filter Roll $ 2.95 (?)
451 4S Neutral Density Filter Roll $ 1.95 (?)
471 Portrait Kit Pack $ 10.95
473 Close-Up Kit Pack $ ?.??
490 Electronic Flash Adapter Cord Roll $ ?.??
490 flashgun, uses flashcubes; 400-series only Pack $ ??.??
516 Orange Filter Roll $ ?.??
516 Cloud Filter Pack $ 5.95 (?)
519 Picture Album; small; plastic binder Prin $ 4.95
519F refill pages for #519 Picture Album Prin $ 1.95
521 Deluxe Album; large; metal binder Prin $ 6.95
521F refill pages for #521 Deluxe Album Prin $ 3.95
521EF refill pages for #521 Deluxe Album Prin $ 3.95
536 Sky Filter Roll $ ?.??
540 Close-Up Kit; 3 diopters + measuring tape Roll $ 8.95
541 Filter Kit; 1/2 stop ND, yellow, polarizer Roll $ 5.95
541 Portrait Kit; Models 430, 440, CD90 only Pack $ ?.??
543 Close-Up Kit; Models 430, 440, CD90 only Pack $ ?.??
545 Lens Shade Roll $ 2.45
546 Orange Filter Roll $ 1.95
550 Close-Up Kit; 3 diopters + measuring tape Roll $ 14.95
551 Filter Kit Roll $ 10.95
561 Portrait Kit; Model 450 only Pack $ ?.??
563 Close-Up Kit; Model 450 only Pack $ ?.??
566 EE adapter for J66; part of #660 Roll $ ?.??
567 UV Filter; part of #660 Roll $ ?.??
581 Portrait Kit Pack $ 9.95
581A Portrait Kit Pack $ 10.95
583 Close-Up Kit Pack $ 9.95
583A Close-Up Kit Pack $ 10.95
585 UV Filter Pack $ 4.50
591 Portrait Kit Pack $ ?.??
593 Close-Up Kit Pack $ ?.??
595 Filter Kit w/ Lens Shade Pack $ ??.??
596 Orange Filter Pack $ ?.??
597 UV Filter Pack $ ?.??
620 exposure meter, selenium, made by Metrawatt? Roll $ 16.95
625 exposure meter, selenium, made by Gossen Roll $ ?.??
628 exposure meter, Cds, made in Japan by ?? Pack $ ?.??
635 exposure meter, selenium, made in Japan by ?? Roll $ ?.??
660 Color Adapter Kit Roll $ ?.??
716 5S Neutral Density Filter Pack $ ?.??
1951 Close-Up Kit Pack $ ?.??
1952 Portrait Kit Pack $ ?.??
2350 Polatronic Flash; electronic flash SX70 $ ?.??
2401 Print Copier Roll $ ??.??
4025 external flash adapter (PC contact) Pack $ ?.??
4601 Polavision Instant Replay Control PV $ ??.??
4603 Twi-Light PV $ ??.??
4604 Polavision Player Carrying Cover PV $ ??.??
PR-22 exposure meter, black, LV, Pol. speeds, GE Roll $ 15.75 (?)
PR-23 exposure meter, grey, LV, ASA speeds, GE Roll $ 13.95
PR-23A exposure meter, grey, EV, ASA speeds, GE Roll $ 14.50
PR-23B exposure meter, grey, EV, ASA speeds, GE Roll $ ??.??
Camera Type Index
Accessories for Rollfilm Cameras:
#120 (Development Timer)
- For use with all rollfilm camera models
- Mechanical; times up to 120 seconds
#200 flashgun, large, w/cord
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Uses #5/Press 25 bayonet-base flashbulbs
- Large reflector and brown crinkle finish
- Built-in flashguard
- Appears to have been made by Kalart for Polaroid
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: This is the original flashgun introduced with the Model 95
in 1948. It appears to be less common than the cosmetically similar #201.
#200 flashgun. Clear plastic flashguard has been removed.[JPEG, 23k]
#201 flashgun, large, w/cord
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Similar in external appearance to #200, but is of
B-C (battery-capacitor) design and has a built-in test lamp.
- Appears to have been made by Kalart for Polaroid
#201 flashgun. Flashguard has been partially pivoted to one side.[JPEG, 20k]
#202 flashgun, small, w/cord
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Smaller and more "streamlined" in style than the
- Built-in flashguard re-designed from earlier guns; more convenient
- Uses #5/Press 25 bayonet-base flashbulbs
#208 (Copymaker)
- For use with all cameras using 40-series rollfilm except the J66
- This appears to be a well-designed conventional copy-stand outfit complete
with light source (two fluorescent lamps), built-in timer for exposure and
development, and area/distance markings calibrated to Polaroid cameras and
the close-up lenses supplied with the outfit. This is entirely different from
(and was far more expensive than) the later Print Copier accessories that
were offered.
- Originally supplied with close-up lenses for non-Pathfinder cameras;
could be exchanged for Pathfinder close-up lenses from Polaroid on request.
#221 flashgun, w/cord and ASA two-post plug
- For use with Model 110
- Similar to #201, but sync cord has connector for the Model 110's shutter instead.
#222 flashgun, small, w/cord and ASA two-post plug
- For use with Model 110
- Similar to #202, but sync cord has connector for the Model 110's shutter instead.
#230 (Print Copier)
- For use with Models 80, 80A, and 80B
- Similar to #240 Print Copier (below), but designed for the 80-series cameras instead.
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Much less common than the #240
#240 flashgun, small, w/cord and ASA bayonet plug
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Similar to #202, but different in color.
#240 (Print Copier)
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), 150, 160, 700, 800, 850 and 900
- This is a fairly clever but somewhat complicated accessory for
making copies of Polaroid prints. When unfolded, it somewhat resembles
a slide projector.
Prints are loaded into a holder in the back of the device. The camera is
positioned on a rail at the front of the Copier-- the lens of the camera mates
with a close-up lens built into the Copier. Two small 120-volt bayonet-base
light bulbs in the Copier serve as a fixed source of illumination for the
print to be copied. The camera's exposure
is set for this constant exposure source (via a chart supplied with the
copier), and the picture is taken and developed in the usual way. The
Copier is supplied with a cable release (for the camera) and has a built-in
electric exposure/development timer (which is powered whenever the light
bulbs are switched on), and (starting in 1959) comes with a set of
neutral-density filters for the light bulbs for use when 3000-speed film is
used in the camera.
- NOTE: See also the #230 and #2401
#240 Print Copier [JPEG, 37k]
#240 Print Copier (shown with Model 150 camera attached). [JPEG, 25k]
#250 (Wink-Light)
- For use with Models 80, 80A, 80B, 110A, 110B, 120, 150, 160, 800, 850, and 900
- Back in the late 50's, when it came to camera flash, photographers had the
choice between inconvenient use-once flashbulbs and expensive (and often
very bulky) electronic flashguns. The high speed of the just-then introduced
3000 ASA Polaroid films allowed for another solution which combined some of the
good points of both. The design of the Wink-Light is quite simple-- a 45 volt
battery (similar to a radio 'B' battery of the same era) charges a capacitor.
When the shutter is tripped, the capacitor is discharged through a 12 volt
automotive turn-signal-style lamp (this is the same sort of circuit used
in a typical B-C flashgun using conventional flashbulbs).
The result is a brief but bright flash
from the bulb. Even though a lamp rated at only 12 volts is used, the
brief duration of the flashes means that the bulb should last at least as
long as the battery (batteries were each supplied with a spare bulb, thus
encouraging the owner to change the bulb at the same time as the battery).
- User Tip #1: Should you actually try to use your Wink-Light these days,
don't leave it attached to the camera when not in use! Yes, your camera
might look interesting sitting on your shelf that way, but the switch hidden
in the Wink-Light keeps the capacitor charged whenever the Light is attached
to the hot-shoe of the camera, thus causing a small, but constant, drain on
the battery.
This would also contribute to the reason why almost every Wink-Light you see
these days has a completely dead battery. :-)
- User Tip #2: The Wink-Light was designed for use only as a "fill-in"
flash to be mixed with ambient light. Should the level of surrounding light
be particularly low, the accessory #256 Auxiliary Flasher should be used.
- Originally supplied with a set of light seals for preventing film
fogging when older cameras were to be used with the new 3000-speed films.
- Was also originally supplied with a #451 4S Neutral Density Filter.
- NOTE: See also the #251 and #252
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Very common
#251 (Wink-Light)
- For use with Model 110
- Similar to the #250, but has a bi-pin sync cord instead of hot shoe
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Much less common than the #250
#252 (Wink-Light)
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Similar to the #250, but has a sync cord instead of hot shoe
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Less common than the #250
#256 (Auxiliary Flasher); for Wink-Lights
- For use with any of the above Wink-Lights
- This is a small flashgun using AG-1 flashbulbs, and is designed to
plug into the side of the Wink-Light. It was intended for low-light
photography using 3000-speed film in situations where there was insufficient
ambient light to use the Wink-Light alone. Power for the gun comes
from the same B-C circuit which powers the Wink-Light bulb.
- Reflector swivels for bounce flash capability
#259 flashgun, AG-1, for Swinger Sentinel
- For use with Model M15 (Swinger Sentinel)
- Similar to built-in AG-1 flashgun on Model 20 (Swinger)
#261 tripod adapter spacer
- For use with Models 110, 110A, 110B, 120, 150, 160, and 800
- This is a metal bracket which extends the tripod mount on the bed of
the camera so that the tripod socket 'clears' the focusing knob.
#274 (Cutter Bar Adapter)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras with older (non-locking) cutter bars
- This is a serrated steel strip which clips onto the cutter bar of the
camera to aid in tearing the then-new Polacolor film (which has a thicker
base than the B&W films).
#274L (Cutter Bar Adapter)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras with newer (locking) cutter bars
- Similar to #274
#281 flashgun, shoe contact, white
- For use with Models 80, 80A, 80B, 110A, 110B, 120, 150, 160, 800, 850, and 900
- Uses #5/Press 25 bayonet-base flashbulbs
#281 Flash Gun (shown with original box) [JPEG, 22k]
#290 (Bounce Flash Bracket)
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), 110, and 700
- Allows for 90-degree bounce flash for both horizontal and vertical pictures
- This simple metal bracket is designed to mate with the #202 and
the other flashguns which have the smaller accessory shoe and make their sync connection via a cord.
#290 Bounce Flash Bracket (shown with original box). [JPEG, 31k]
#291 (Bounce Flash Bracket)
- For use with Models 80, 80A, 80B, 110A, 110B, 120, 150, 160, 800, 850, and 900
- Allows for 90-degree bounce flash for both horizontal and vertical pictures
- This somewhat more complicated metal bracket preserves the 'hot shoe' feature of these cameras
- NOTE: This accessory apparently had some design flaw(s), and was fairly
shortly replaced by a redesigned version, the #292, below.
#291 Bounce Flash Bracket [JPEG, 20k]
#292 (Bounce Flash Bracket)
- For use with Models 80, 80A, 80B, 110A, 110B, 120, 150, 160, 800, 850, and 900
- Allows for 90-degree bounce flash for both horizontal and vertical pictures
- This was an improved replacement for the #291. This bracket also
preserves the camera's shoe sync contact, but it is entirely different in
appearance from the #291. The #292 is
made of plastic, and has a simple L-shape. There is only one accessory
shoe, but it can rotate to allow either horizontal or vertical use.
#292 Bounce Flash Bracket [JPEG, 37k]
#300 (Polaroid ID Adapter Kit)
Intended for use with (included) Model 100 (rollfilm), but could have been used
with Models 95A, 95B, 150, 700, and 800.
The Kit included everything needed to make Polaroid ID photos-- a Model One Hundred
camera, a tripod, two lighting assemblies (with lights), a close-up lens, a stereoscopic
attachment (allowing two images per exposure), measuring tape, an ID number plate
(with interchangable numbers?), and all packaged in a carrying case.
#307 (Carrying Case); slim-style, top-open
- For use with all cameras using 40-series roll films
#308 (Carrying Case); medium size, front-open
- For use with all cameras using 40-series roll films
#309 (Deluxe Compartment Case); top-open
- For use with all cameras using 40-series roll films
#330 (Color Adapter Kit)
- For use with Model J33
- NOTE: See description of the #660 Color Adapter Kit for details.
- Components of this set include: two clip-on adapter plates (#533) for
the electric eye, a stick-on UV filter (#534) mounted behind the lens,
and the same J-5 Flash Reflector included with the #660 Color Adapter Kit.
#381 (Shoulder Case); top-open flap
- For use with all cameras using 30-series roll films
#382 (Compartment Case); top-open
- For use with all cameras using 30-series roll films
#440 (Photoelectric Shutter); grey
#440A (Photoelectric Shutter); white
- For use with Models 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), 150, 160, 700, and 800
- This accessory shutter attachment gives automatic exposure capabilities
to any of the above rollfilm cameras. A selenium cell controls a vane
which, in turn, controls the flow of air from a pneumatic cylinder. This
cylinder controls the timing of the shutter. This is the same principle
behind the shutters on the J33 and J66 autoexposure cameras. The Photoelectric
Shutter can be easily installed and removed from the camera in a matter
of seconds.
- The Photoelectric Shutter is designed for use only with 3000-speed film.
- The #440 and #440A differ in their (fixed) aperture
(the #440 is f/54, versus f/37 for the #440A) and in the color of their
plastic housing (the #440 is grey, while the #440A is ivory/white). Both
shutters provide the same range of speeds (roughly between 1/10 and 1/800
#450 (Sky Filter)
- For use with #440/#440A Photoelectric Shutter
- This is a large square yellow filter which clips onto the front of the
Photoelectic Shutter, covering both the photocell and the lens aperture.
#450 Sky Filter (shown with original box) [JPEG, 15k]
#451 (4-Stop Filter)
- For use with all roll film cameras except Models J33 and J66
- Designed for preventing overexposure problems when using 3000-speed
film in daylight-- reduces effective speed of 3000-speed film to 200 ASA.
- Reversible adapter ring allows same filter to be mounted on 110-series
cameras as well as the standard amateur models.
- Originally supplied with a fitted plastic pouch case that could be fastened
to the camera either via the tripod socket, or on the camera's strap.
- Can theoretically be used with Models 850 and 900, but extended
exposure settings on these cameras make this accessory unnecessary unless
slower shutter settings and/or less depth of field is desired.
[The original instruction sheet for this accessory indicates that it is not
intended for use with the 850/900 nor the 110B or 120 (the latter two
cameras feature an extra "pinhole" aperture stop built into the
lens cap).]
- This accessory used to be available (free?) from
Polaroid Customer Service, but was also sold (at nominal cost) through
normal retail channels. This accessory was also included with the
Wink-Lights. In any case, this was a very popular and useful accessory.
#451 4-Stop Filter (shown with original retail box) [JPEG, 25k]
#490 (Electronic Flash Adapter Cord)
- For use with Models 95A, 95B, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Adapts ASA bi-pin X-sync socket on camera to standard PC socket (?)
#516 (Orange Filter)
- (?) For use with Models 110, 110A, 110B, and 120
#536 (Sky Filter)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except J33, J66, and the 110-series/120
#540 (Close-Up Kit); 3 diopters + measuring tape
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except J33, J66, and the 110-series/120
- Includes +1, +2, and +4 diopter lenses
- Specially calibrated tape measure (built into fitted lens case) indicates camera
focus settings and the resulting field sizes for different combinations of
close-up lenses.
- NOTE: See also #550
#540 Close-Up Kit (shown with two different original boxes-- the red/orange box is the earlier version). [JPEG, 26k]
#540 Close-Up Kit (detail of tape measure) [JPEG, 19k]
#541 (Filter Kit)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except J33, J66, and the 110-series/120
- Includes 1/2 stop ND filter, cloud (yellow) filter, and polarizer;
with fitted leather case.
- NOTE: There may a few different revisions/variations of this kit, but
this has not been verified-- there may be examples in which an orange
filter has been subsituted for
the 1/2 stop ND filter. If they exist, these other version(s) are also
labeled as #541 Filter Kits.
#541 Filter Kit (shown with original box) [JPEG, 19k]
#545 (Lens Shade)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except J33, J66, and the 110-series/120
#546 (Orange Filter)
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except J33, J66, and the 110-series/120
#546 Orange Filter (shown with original box) [JPEG, 17k]
#550 (Close-Up Kit); 3 diopters + measuring tape
- For use with Models 110, 110A, 110B, and 120
- Similar to #540 Close-Up Kit except for filter size
- NOTE: The original Model 110 requires a filter-ring adapter spacer (was
available free from Polaroid at the time) to use this and other filters
designed for later 110-series cameras.
#551 (Filter Kit)
- For use with Models 110, 110A, 110B, and 120
- Includes cloud filter, polarizer, and lens shade; with fitted leather
#566 electric eye adapter set
- For use with Model J66
- Part of #660 Color Adapter Kit
#567 (UV Filter)
- For use with Model J66
- Part of #660 Color Adapter Kit
#620 exposure meter, selenium, made by Metrawatt
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except the J33 and J66
- Meter calibrations are read directly in EV numbers only-- no actual
shutter speeds or aperture settings are shown. An extra screw-mounted
meter scale 'replacement' was also supplied to provide readings in the old Polaroid
"Light Value" numbers instead of EV's.
- Was also originally supplied with an extra (alternate) accessory foot
so it could be mounted in the smaller accessory shoes on the Speedliner-type
bodies instead.
- Made for Polaroid by Metrawatt
- Sensitive to EV 7 at ASA 100, and can be set to film speeds from
ASA 12 to 12,000
- An additional "booster cell" accessory for this meter was
planned, but (as far as I know) was never actually offered by Polaroid.
#625 exposure meter, selenium
- For use with all rollfilm cameras except the J33 and J66
- Meter calibrations are read directly in EV numbers only-- no actual
shutter speeds or aperture settings are shown.
- Made for Polaroid by Gossen
- Originally supplied with an extra accessory foot (so could be mounted in
the accessory shoes on older models) and an extra stick-on exposure number
scale (to give the meter calibrations in the old "Light Value" numbers
as used on older models rather than the newer EV system).
- Sensitive to EV 4 at ASA 100, and can be set to film speeds from
ASA 12 to 12,000
- USER NOTE: In terms of range and convenience, this is probably the most
versitile of the meters offered by Polaroid for their rollfilm cameras.
#635 exposure meter, selenium
- Evidently, this is an International-markets version of the #625
- Intended for use with Model 160 and 120
- Meter calibrations are read directly in EV numbers only-- no actual
shutter speeds or aperture settings are shown. Meter scale has an extra index
mark to compensate for tungsten-balanced film.
- General size and appearance is similar to #625.
- Made in Japan by ??
#660 (Color Adapter Kit)
- For use with Model J66 only
- This somewhat elaborate kit of accessories adapts the J66 to use
Type 48 color film. The kit includes three clip-on front plates (#566)
which block part of the selenium cell and provide new calibration marks
for the lighten/darken control-- this adapts the exposure system for the
far slower speed of the color film (ASA 75 rather than 3000). Only one
of these front plates is actually to be used with the camera-- the choice of
plate depends on the manufacturing date (revision) of the camera, as
indicated by a color-coded dot on the lighten/darken control. The
kit also includes a larger flashholder and reflector (J-5 Flash Reflector)
which clips onto the small AG-1 flashgun built into the camera. The new
accepts the more powerful M3 flashbulbs so that flash photos will be properly
exposed with the color film. This flashholder somewhat resembles the
#268 flashgun (see the Packfilm accessory section) and, as with the #268,
the flash shield doubles as a blue flash filter. The third part of the
kit is a UV filter (#567) which is permanently fastened behind the lens with
self-sticking adhesive.
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: While the J66 itself is very common, relatively few of
them seem to be found with this accessory. Perhaps the relative complexity
of using the adapter kit seemed overly counter to the ease-of-use philosophy
behind the J66's design. There was an equivalent kit also available for
the J33 (the J66's smaller brother) sold as the #330 Color Adapter Kit.
See the description of that item for the model numbers of its respective
component parts.
#660 Color Adapter Kit (shown with original box and complete with all components) [JPEG, 35k]
#2401 (Print Copier)
- For use with Models 110, 110A, 110B, and 120
- Similar to #240, but designed for the Pathfinder cameras.
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Much less common than the #240
PR-22 exposure meter, black, LV, Pol. speeds
- For use with Models 95, 95A, 100 (rollfilm), and 700
- Film speeds are set by letter codes (A-E) instead of numbers, and the
meter is calibrated directly in Polaroid "Light Value" numbers
- The film speed letter codes apparently correspond as follows:
A= 200 ASA, B= 140 ASA, C= 100 ASA, D= 70 ASA, E= 50 ASA
- Manufactured for Polaroid by General Electric
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: This is the original exposure meter offered with the
Model 95.
- NOTE: A fitted leather case (which could be fastened to the strap of
the camera's carrying case) was also available for this meter at extra
cost ($1.50). This was more than a frill, because the original 'slim' camera
case sold for the Model 95 won't close if the camera is placed in it with
the meter still attached.
PR-22 Exposure Meter (shown with original box) [JPEG, 28k]
PR-23 exposure meter, grey, LV, ASA speeds
- For use with Model 80 only
- Film speeds are set by ASA values, and the meter is calibrated
directly in Polaroid "Light Value" numbers only. This meter is
otherwise similar in appearance to the PR-23A (though the housing is
of a slightly different color).
- Manufactured for Polaroid by General Electric
PR-23A exposure meter, grey, EV, ASA speeds, GE
- For use with Models 80A, 80B, 110A, 110B, 150, 160, 800, 850, and 900
- Film speeds are set by ASA values, and the meter is calibrated
directly in EV numbers only.
- Sensitive to EV 9 at ASA 100, and can be set to speeds from
ASA 100 - 800 (in full stop increments only)
- Manufactured for Polaroid by General Electric
PR-23B exposure meter, brown, EV, ASA speeds, GE
- For use with Model 95B.
- Film speeds are set by ASA values, and the meter is calibrated
directly in EV numbers only.
- Similar to the PR-23A, but has the smaller accessory foot for
the Speedliner-type bodies, and is tan/brown in color.
- Manufactured for Polaroid by General Electric
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Appears to be much less common than the PR-23A.
Accessories for Packfilm cameras:
#126 (Development Timer); mechanical, adhesive tape
- For use with all packfilm camera models
- Mechanical development timer; attaches to camera body with self-adhesive
#127 (Development Timer); mechanical, adhesive tape
- For use with all packfilm camera models
- Mechanical development timer; attaches to camera body with self-adhesive
- Later model; similar in style and operation to built-in mechanical
timer on some 300- and 400- series pack camera models.
#128 (Development Timer); mechanical, strap-mount
- For use with all packfilm camera models
- Mechanical development timer; integrated plastic case can be attached to
camera strap on folding pack cameras.
#128 Development Timer (shown with original box) [JPEG, 21k]
#191 (Cable Release)
- For use with 100- to 400- series folding pack cameras
- End of cable release is friction-fit over shutter button on folding pack
#192 (Self-Timer)
- For use with 100- to 400- series folding pack cameras
- Friction-fits over shutter button on folding pack cameras. Mechanical
wind-up timer mechanism can be set for between 5 and 15 seconds of delay.
- NOTE: Earlier production models lack time delay calibrations.
#192 Self-Timer (shown with case) [JPEG, 37k]
#193 (Cold-Clip)
- For use with all packfilm camera models
- Originally supplied with all cameras, but was also available separately
from Polaroid in case of loss/damage.
- Intended for keeping film warm during development in cold weather.
Instructions for use are printed on the Cold-Clip itself.
- NOTE: Many Cold-Clips also contain abbreviated camera instructions
printed on the other side of the Clip, and these were often geared toward
specific camera model(s). Each of these "variant" Cold-Clips
appears to have their own distinct model number, so sometime I'll
have to try to catalog some of those...
#268 flashgun, clip-on, for M3 bulbs
- For use with all 100- to 300- series folding pack cameras except the 360
- This is the standard flashgun for folding pack cameras. Integrated
hinged flash shield is tinted blue; clear M3 bulbs can be used with both
B&W and color film. Flash reflector swivels for bounce flash. Spring-loaded
lever clips flashgun to top of camera; cord plugs into PC socket on side of
shutter housing.
- USER NOTE: The battery (one AA-size cell) is replaced by removing the
two screws at the bottom of the case.
#280 flashgun, clip-on, for AG-1 bulbs
- For use with 180, 190, and 195 only
- This flash is entirely different from the #268. It mounts to the
side of the shutter housing, with alignment provided by an extra pin
jack next to the PC outlet. The reflector is rather small and is of
the fanfold variety. The interesting part about this flash is that
a spring-loaded rod presses against the camera body (the back part
of the camera) so that the flashbulb socket moves in and out of the
reflector as the camera is focused, thus altering the dispersion of
the light depending on the distance to the subject.
#322 (Carrying Case); medium size, top-open
- For use with all 100- to 400- series folding pack cameras
- Boxy, black vinyl(?) case has compartments for camera, film, flashgun
and flashbulbs and/or other accessories.
#324 (Carrying Case); slim-style, front-open
- For use with all 100- to 400- series folding pack cameras
- Wider and narrower than #322
- COLLECTOR'S NOTE: This appears to be the most common pack camera
case by far, and appears to be the basic design for most '3rd-party'
pack camera cases of the era.
- NOTE: [07/13/97] It looks like I might have the descriptions of the
#324 and #322 switched around. I've got to re-check that.
There are a few variants of this case which were apparently only
available with certain Special Markets cameras as part of a kit.
For example, the Model 102 is sometimes found with a white genuine-leather
version of this case.
#326 (Carrying Case); large size, top-open
- For use with all 100- to 400- series folding pack cameras
- Similar to #322, but larger
#342 (Carrying Case)
- For use with non-folding plastic pack cameras
#363 (Fast Charger)
- For use with #365 Electronic Flash Head
- Charges internal batteries in #365 in 1 hour
- Originally supplied with Model 360 camera
#365 (Electronic Flash Head)
- For use with 360 only
- Originally supplied with Model 360 camera
- Powered by internal ni-cad battery pack (not intended to be user-replacable).
#471 (Portrait Kit) (same as #581A)
- For use with 250, 350, 360, and 450 (Zeiss rangefinder models)
- Kit includes close-up lens, distance- and parallax-compensating
'goggles' for the camera's rangefinder and viewfinder, flash diffuser
for #268 flashgun, and flash diffuser for #365 electronic flash.
- Allows focus as close as 19 inches
- General notes about Portrait Kits and Close-Up Kits for pack
cameras: There are several different model numbers for Portrait Kits
(and Close-Up Kits), but they mainly only differ in the type of
'goggles' included (Polaroid RF or Zeiss RF) and which flash diffuser(s)
is/are included. Therefore, you may find a given Portrait/Close-Up
kit is perfectly usable with your camera even though it isn't specifically
listed as one of the models intended for it. To make things even more
confusing, the later versions of these Kits were sold as 'combined'
models (with, say, all of the possible flash diffusers) and labeled
with all of the different accessory numbers which they replaced.
Incidently, none of the Kits will work with low-end models having a
two-element lens. Also, none of the Kits are intended for use with
the cheaper triplet-lensed models that have a non-folding RF/viewfinder
(i.e. the 330) as the 'goggles' won't fit-- but I suppose you could make
do with a ruler and some careful parallax guesstimation.
#473 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 250, 350, 360, and 450 (Zeiss rangefinder models)
- Kit includes close-up lens, distance- and parallax-compensating
'goggles' for the camera's rangefinder and viewfinder, flash diffuser
for #268 flashgun, and flash diffuser for #365 electronic flash.
- Allows focus as close as 9 inches
#490 flashgun, uses flashcubes
- For use with 400-series folding pack cameras
- Features "Focused Flash" system-- a set of louvers in front
of the flashgun are coupled to the focusing mechanism to alter the flash's
light output depending on the distance to the subject.
- Designed for use with Hi-Power flashcubes only.
#516 (Cloud Filter)
- For use with 100, 101, 102, 103, 135, 230, 240, 250, 330, 335, 340,
350, 360, 430, 440, 450, and Countdown M80.
- Includes (attached) matching exposure compensating filter which fits over
the Cds cell eye.
#516 Cloud Filter (shown with original box) [JPEG, 21k]
#541 (Portrait Kit)
- For use with 430 and 440.
- Same as #471, but has 'goggles' for the Polaroid-made range/viewfinder
instead and has diffuser for #490 flashgun rather than for the #268
and #365 flashguns.
#543 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 430 and 440.
- Same as #473, but has 'goggles' for the Polaroid-made range/viewfinder
instead and has diffuser for #490 flashgun rather than for the #268
and #365 flashguns.
#561 (Portrait Kit)
- For use with 450
- Same as #471, but has diffuser for #490 flashgun rather
than #268 and #365 flashguns.
#563 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 450
- Same as #473, but has diffuser for #490 flashgun rather
than #268 and #365 flashguns.
#581 (Portrait Kit)
- For use with 100, 101, 102, 103, 135, 230, 240, 340,
and Countdown M80.
- Same as #471, but has 'goggles' for the Polaroid-made range/viewfinder
#581A (Portrait Kit)
- Original version of #471; same, but only has one flash diffuser (for
the #268 flashgun).
#583 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 100, 101, 102, 103, 135, 230, 240, 340,
and Countdown M80.
- Same as #473, but has 'goggles' for the Polaroid-made range/viewfinder
#583 Close-Up Kit (shown with original box) [JPEG, 29k]
#583A (Close-Up Kit)
- Original version of #473; same, but only has one flash diffuser (for
the #268 flashgun).
#585 (UV Filter)
- For use with 100, 101, 102, 103, 135, 230, 240, 250, 330, 335, 340,
350, 360, 430, 440, 450, and Countdown M80.
#591 (Portrait Kit)
- For use with 180
- Same as #471, but has larger-diameter close-up lens to fit the 180
#593 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 180
- Same as #473, but has larger-diameter close-up lens to fit the 180
#595 Filter Kit w/ Lens Shade
- For use with 180, 190, and 195
#596 (Orange Filter)
- For use with 180, 190, and 195
#597 (UV Filter)
- For use with 180, 190, and 195
#628 exposure meter, CdS, made in Japan by ??
- For use with 180, 190, and 195
- Supplied with fitted leather case designed to attach to camera strap;
meter has a plastic foot which can be attached to the camera's accessory
shoe. Incidently, the meter is so designed that it does not need to be
removed when closing the camera's flip-down plastic cover.
- USER NOTE: This meter uses a (now unavailable) 625 mercury cell for
power. In addition, it's not all that convenient or easy to read compared
with other CdS meters out there. If you have a 180, 190, or 195, there
are plenty of other exposure meters on the market which would work as
well or better than this fairly uncommon accessory.
#628 exposure meter [JPEG, 17k]
#716 (5S Neutral Density Filter)
- For use with 180, 190, and 195
#1952 (Portrait Kit)
- For use with 195
- Similar to #581, but has larger-diameter close-up lens to fit the 195
- Packaged in a soft vinyl case
#1952 Portrait Kit [JPEG, 18k]
#1951 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with 195
- Similar to #583, but has larger-diameter close-up lens to fit the 195
- Packaged in a soft vinyl case
#4025 external flash adapter (PC contact)
- For use with The Reporter and EE100
Accessories for SX-70 cameras:
#111 (Tripod Mount)
- For use with all folding SX-70 cameras
#112 (Remote Shutter Button)
- For use with all folding SX-70 cameras
- Electrical pushbutton switch plugs into socket on side of shutter
#113 (Accessory Holder)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Attaches to camera by means of the Flashbar socket; used with #120
and #121
#114 (Carrying Case)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Tan leather soft pouch case with shoulder strap
#116 (Compartment Case)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Slim compartment semi-hard case holds camera, film, and flashbars
#119 (Telephoto Lens)
#119A (Telephoto Lens)
- For use with all folding SX-70 cameras
- Supplementary lens converter; provides 1.5x telephoto effect
- Does not require #113, and can be used with Sonar models
- #119 is intended for original SX-70. #119A is intended for Sonar
SX-70 models plus the SLR 680 / 690. However, it is apparently possible
to use them interchangably with some modification.
#120 (Lens Shade)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Requires #113 Accessory Holder
#121 (Close-Up Kit)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Allows for life-size close-ups and copying; kit includes flash diffuser
which clips over Flashbar
- Requires #113 Accessory Holder
122 (Carrying Case)
#132 (Self-Timer)
- For use with Pronto! and other rigid plastic SX-70 cameras
- Mechanical self-timer clamps to the side of the shutter housing of
the camera; mechanism pushes shutter button after set time has
#184 (Accessory Kit)
- For use with all non-Sonar folding SX-70 cameras
- Includes #111, #112, #113, #120 and #121,
all packaged in a hinged presentation box
2350 (Polatronic Flash)
- For use with all SX-70 cameras including non-folding plastic models
- This is a handle-mount electronic flash which connects to the camera
via the Flashbar socket. The included camera bracket doubles as a tripod
???? (Q-Light)
- For use with Pronto! and other non-folding non-Sonar plastic SX-70 cameras
- This electronic flash has a one-piece design and clips to top of the
camera, mating to the camera's Flashbar socket.
Accessories for Polavision cameras:
#4601 (Polavision Instant Replay Control)
- For use with Polavision Player (below)
- Wired remote control; Phototape cassette is rewound when button is
pressed, thus allowing user to re-play portions of the film
- Has a built-in cord reel and winder to store the connecting cord when
not in use
- NOTE: Also found referred to as #4608
#4603 (Polavision Twi-Light)
- For use with Polavision cameras
- This is a small two-lamp quartz light which attaches to a socket on
the top of the Polavision camera. The AC cord is plugged into the
camera itself, and power to the lights is controlled by the camera's
meter switch-- the lights will thus always be on whenever the camera
is running, and switch off automatically when the hand grip is released.
- As with most clip-on movie lights for Super-8 cameras, attaching
the Twi-Light to the Polavision camera automatically causes a correction
filter to be moved from in front of the film plane.
- Interestingly, the bulbs in the Twi-Light are soldered in place and
are not user-replaceable.
#4604 (Carrying Cover)
- For use with Polavision Player (below)
- Vinyl dust cover with a slot for the player's carrying handle; the
cover can be left on the machine while carrying
(Polavision Accessory Kit)
- For use with Polavision cameras
- Includes close-up kit (with specially calibrated measuring tape) and
backlight compensation filter
(Polavision Cassette Library)
- This is a wooden library case with dividers for storing Polavision
(Polavision Camera Pouch Case)
- For use with Polavision cameras
(Polavision Player)
- Required for developing and viewing Phototape cassettes
- This is a motorized rear-projection viewer which roughly resembles
(and is about the same size as) a 13" television set. When a
Phototape cassette is inserted into the Player's slot, it will
automatically process the film (if it has not already been), or it will
start projecting the film (if it has already been processed). When
projection is completed, the film is automatically rewound and stopped.
There are almost no user controls on this device (even power on/off is
automatic), and in fact, the Instant Replay Control is required
for any control of projection motion during playback.
- Made for Polaroid by the Eumig corporation
Accessories for 600 cameras:
Accessories for Spectra cameras:
(Table Tripod)
- For use with all Spectra cameras
(Remote Control)
- For use with all Spectra cameras except Spectra 2
- Receiver plugs into remote control socket on back of camera;
wireless transmitter can be located anywhere within 40 feet of
(Close-Up Lens)
- For use with Spectra, Spectra 2 (?), and Spectra Onyx
- The close-up lens is part of an attachment which clips on the entire
front of the camera, and which also correct viewfinder parallax, diffuse the
built-in electronic flash, and cover the Sonar element.
(Special Effects Filter Kit)
- For use with all Spectra cameras (except perhaps Pro Cam)
- This kit includes a filter holder and 5 filters including (F101)
horizontal 'blur', (F102) red center spot, (F103) starburst, (F104)
3-image prism, and (F105) 5-image prism; all filters and filter holder
are stored in a fitted nylon case with a foam insert.
(Creative Effects Filter Kit)
- For use with all Spectra cameras (except perhaps Pro Cam)
- Similar to the Special Effects Filter Kit, but includes 5 different
filters, including (F107) Orange Center Spot, (F108) Diffusing Surround
Filter, (F109) Warming Filter, (F110) Polarizing Filter, and (F111)
Double-image Adapter (for use in conjunction with making double exposures).
(Camera Bag)
- For use with all Spectra cameras
- grey nylon bag with Velcro closure and shoulder strap
(Close-up Stand)
- For use with all Spectra cameras except Pro Cam
- Fixed-distance close-up stage allows near 1:1 photographing of prints
and small objects.
Accessories for Captiva cameras:
(Close-Fit Camera Bag)
- For use with all Captiva cameras
(Close-up Lens)
- For use with all Captiva cameras
- Allows focus down to 10 inches
Accessories for Polaroid prints:
#117 (Photo Album)
- For use with SX-70 and 600 prints
#129 (Photo Album)
- For use with SX-70 and 600 prints
#519 (Picture Album); small; plastic binder
- For use with 40-series roll film Land prints
#519F refill pages for #519 Picture Album
- For use with 40-series roll film Land prints
#521 (Deluxe Album); large; metal binder
- For use with 40-series roll film Land prints
#521F refill pages for #521 Deluxe Album
- For use with 40-series roll film Land prints
#521EF refill pages for #521 Deluxe Album
- For use with 8x10 enlargements
(Photo Cassette); plastic case holds 15 photos
- For use with Spectra prints
(PhotoFile); small flip-album holds 20 photos
- For use with Spectra prints
(Photo Album); holds 80 photos
- For use with Spectra prints
Refills for Photo Album, above; 40 photos
- For use with Spectra prints
(Brass Frame)
- For use with Spectra prints
(Photo Pens); set of 3
- For use with all integral prints (SX-70, 600, Spectra, Captiva)
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Last updated 05/03/2001
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