"From this evolved two theories. First, Land was correct to
ignore conventional wisdom: he was teaching the American public, and
by extension a world market, that the Polaroid camera was not a lifetime
acquisition, but an evolving idea, an ongoing adventure, an exploration
of technology." "Second, yard sales were invented to get rid
of old Polaroid cameras."
Peter Wensberg, Land's Polaroid, p.178
Welcome to The Land List! This is intended to be a repository of basic
reference information regarding Polaroid Land Cameras and related
products. Please note that this site is not endorsed by the
Polaroid Corporation, nor do they have any responsibility as to
the accuracy of the information contained here.
Most of this data has been compiled from pamphlets, manuals, and other publications printed by the Polaroid Corporation throughout its history and/or the products themselves. While I have tried to make the information here as accurate as possible, I'm sure some errors have crept in from time to time. Feel free to email me (see bottom of page) about any errors or omissions you may find. More information about Polaroid products currently in production can be found at the Polaroid Corporation web site.
Are you new to the Land List site? Have a question about your camera? Please be sure you check the Frequently Asked Questions page while you're here!
What's New (01/17/2008):
Hey Hey Hey! I finally started doing some updates on the site!
Yeah, yeah, I've said that before, but this time it may actually happen.
I'm sure some of you out there will be glad to know that I finally
updated the Film page to reflect all the films that have been discontinued
the past few years. (There may be more of those still to update as far as
that goes). Soon, I'll get the FAQ page updated with some new (and updated) content. I've also got some camera info updates in the works.
Hmm. While writing this, I realized that The Land List will be turning
15 this year. A lot has happened in the photographic industry in general
the past 15 years. Polaroid Corp in particular has had a lot of ups and
downs-- well, perhaps a few ups and a *lot* of downs. We've seen the
incredibly rapid growth and maturity of digital photography-- what
had been primarily seen as an expensive toy for most people has become the
mainstay of the camera industry.
On that note, I've started putting together a new section regarding early
Polaroid digital cameras. Digital photography seems to have become
almost a forgotten part of Polaroid's product development history.
As many of you know, for the past several years, all of the Polaroid-branded
digital cameras (and other consumer electronics) you've seen in stores have
actually been produced under a trademark licensing arrangment-- Polaroid
Corp itself really hasn't had much (if anything) to do with the actual
product designs or even their marketing. However, in the 1990's,
Polaroid was actively involved in the development of digital photography,
and some of the cameras they produced were actually fairly interesting
for their time. For whatever reason, Polaroid Corp had a lot of trouble
making a corporate transition to the digital era. So, while Kodak and Fuji
have managed to survive in this new era of photography, Polaroid never
really got there.
...However, as some of you know, some news last year indicated that
one of the 'old' Polaroid Corp's last such development projects may be
coming back to life and finally reach the marketplace. Back then,
Polaroid was developing a new inkless themal-based color printing technology that
they code-named "Opal"
(along with a monochrome version called "Onyx").
Opal never quite made
it into a product-- the closest I saw was a press release some years ago
regarding a photo booth vending machine, but I don't know if it actually
made it to market.
Now the Opal process has been ressurrected under a spin-off
company called "Zink". They announced and demonstrated
a pocket-sized mini photo printer
last year.
Will we actually see it?
I suppose time will tell..!
What's New (02/28/2007):
I've updated this page again to bring you two entirely unrelated
Polaroid film news reports.
I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?
Let's go with the good news first:
SX-70 film is back?! Really?? Well, sort of. As many of you already know (and
if you don't, check the previous few "What's New" items),
Polaroid discontinued SX-70 Time-Zero film last year. However,
apparently not
everyone took that sad news sitting down. Indeed, some SX-70 fans
decided to take matters into their own hands, and approached
Polaroid Europe to produce a 'special' run of 600 film with a
custom-altered emulsion designed to mimic the color balance and
contrast of SX-70 Time-Zero film. The film is called SX-70 Blend
film, and is available through
Polanoid / Unsaleable (Europe and worldwide) and
Lord of The Lens (USA)
NOTE: I have no affiliation with either of these parties, nor
have I actually used this product (at this time at least); I'm providing this general
information just because it may be of interest to other Polaroid camera fans.
Please use the contact info found on those sites if you have more
questions about this product or availablity.
Here are a few bits of general information that I am aware of and should
help answer some basic questions that I'm sure you're asking yourself now
(just as I was):
Q: Can I do SX-70 photomanipulations with this new SX-70 Blend film?
A: No. It's based on 600 film, and so shares the same lack of mallebility.
Q: Do I have to make any modifications to my SX-70 camera to use this film?
A: No. It doesn't require any changes to the camera, nor does it require
any extra filters or other accessories. It's designed to be ready to use
in any SX-70 camera. The film cartridge is SX-70 style, so you
don't need to cut off any plastic tabs or use any cartridge loading
tricks (like you usually need to do when
using 600 film in a modified SX-70 camera). However, since the film is
based on 600 film, the film itself has the same film speed-- ISO/ASA 600.
To compensate for this, the film cartridge has a built-in neutral density
(ND) filter to reduce the 'effective' speed to be like SX-70 film.
Q: Wait-- does that mean I could remove the ND filter and use this film
in a 600 camera if I wanted?
A: Hey, I'd imagine you could. Perhaps I'll ask if anyone's done that.
Q: So, what's the deal?? Isn't this just regular 600 film in a
custom package with an 2-stop ND filter stuck in in the film cartridge opening?
A: No, not exactly. I don't know all the details, but I have confirmed with
Lord of the Lens that it does indeed have a different chemistry than
regular 600 film. There are some sample
photos on the above web sites that illustrate the differences
in color response and contrast between 600 film, the new SX-70 Blend film, and the
old SX-70 Time-Zero film. In general, SX-70 Blend film has higher contrast
and an emphasized blue range similar (but not identical) to that of the
old SX-70 T-Z film. So if you really like the SX-70 "look,"
and don't care about photomanipulations, this may be a good product for you.
Q: Can't I buy this SX-70 Blend film from Polaroid directly or through
my local camera dealer? I don't even see this film on Polaroid's web site.
A: This film was made by Polaroid Corp, yes, but it was a custom run
made specifically for (and financed by) the folks at Polanoid.net
(note the spelling!) and so is not a regular Polaroid catalog product.
I might also speculate that as such, Polanoid and Lord of the Lens are
almost certainly taking a significant financial risk on this venture,
so I wish them best of luck in this project.
Anyway, it's an interesting product idea, and it's nice to see that there are
enough motivated Polaroid SX-70 fans out there that such a product
even could be possible. [ Hmm... Perhaps I really should approach
Polaroid about making a custom run of Type 47 or 42 film... :-) ]
I did mention that there were two news items, right? Now for the bad news:
A Sad Day For 'Squares':
Just three short years after its "re-introduction," it appears
that the 80-series 'square' packfilm format is going away again, this
time for good. I hadn't even noticed until a reader pointed it out to
me today; indeed, it has already happened-- as the Polaroid web site points
out, the 80-series films are all being discontinued "within the last 3
months of 2006", so if you want to stock up on some 80-series film,
you better get it now while you still can...
I guess Square Shooters never win after all.
>>In other news, assuming you're still reading this stuff: I'll
probably regret this, but now I'm going to link to a page for an
unrelated 'project' page I originally wrote a few years ago but never
before put up for public consumption. It's called
The Adventures of Grammar
This really started as a sort of private joke. Every so often, I encounter
something online that is just *riddled* with glaring grammatical errors,
but is otherwise fairly well thought out. [Of course, you're probably
thinking the same about this very web site. Or at least the first part
of that sentence.] Anyway, check it out if you dare or care.
I'm kinda wondering how long it will take for someone to find some
embarrassing grammatical errors on that page.
What's New (01/18/2005):
Another Polaroid news bulletin: As several observant visitors to this
site have emailed me (and I keep forgetting to post up here), SX-70
Time Zero isn't the only Polaroid film product now heading for the
chopping block. According to the Polaroid web site,
Type 665 film will be discontinued
"within the first 6 months of 2006 due to the phasing out of
components used in this film." Not surprisingly, its 'square'-format
brother, Type 85, will be gone as well (unfortunate, since Type 85
was introduced scarcely two years ago). What is surprising, however,
is that Type 55 (the 4x5 sheet-film version of this film) will still
be in production. ...Which seems rather curious, since Type 55
is essentially the same film in a different format, yet Type 665
is supposedly being discontinued because its material components are
being phased out. So, who knows what's really up with that.
Anyway, for those of you out there who are fans of Type 665 (and
its nifty ability to produce high-quality instant negatives), you might
want to stock
up your refrigerator before it's too late.
Fortunately, Polaroid B&W film keeps particularly well in the
refrigerator, and should still be perfectly usable years in the future.
Since Type 55 will still be around (at least for now!), that's also
a viable option. Of course, if you don't already have a 4x5 camera
(and Polaroid 4x5 film holder), that means you'd have to invest in
some new equipment. I'll elaborate on this topic if there's interest,
but if you're looking for an easiest-and-cheapest solution, your best
option is probably to find yourself an old 4x5 press camera (such as
a 4x5-format Speed Graphic / Crown Graphic, or B&J Press) and a used Polaroid
#500 or #545 film holder. (See my FAQ page for an important caevat
about the #500 holder though!) I also know that some folks have
converted old Polaroid Pathfinders to accept 4x5 backs, so that's
another option.
What's New (10/12/2005):
My stack of "Updates I Should Make" for this site keeps
growing, and someday I hope to get around to it. :-)
However, today I learned of some news related to the world of Polaroid
that I felt was important enough that it should be put up here in
as timely a manner as possible. If you're a fan of Time-Zero film
and/or SX-70 cameras in general, be sure to read the announcment
currently found on the Polaroid Corp. web site at:
Following is the main part of the English version of the notice:
"Please be advised that Polaroid will be discontinuing the
manufacture of its SX-70 / Time-Zero film within the first 3 months
of 2006 due to the phasing out of components used in the production
of this film. We realise that this is disappointing news for our
loyal SX-70 users and we would like to underline that, although the
circumstances made it inevitable, it was not an easy decision.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience."
:-( Well, I know that a lot of SX-70 artists aren't going
to be happy about that. Sure, there are ways of using 600 film in an
SX-70 camera (some are even outlined the Polaroid.com web page
accompanying the announcement), but that's not going to be a viable
solution for many people. I do wonder if Time-Zero film would have been
discontinued long ago if wasn't for the evolution of 'photo-manipulation'
techniques that photographers and other artists devised around the
distinct characteristics of this film.
Interestingly, the same mallability that transformed Time-Zero film
into a hand-craftable art medium was originally considered by Polaroid to be one
of this film's deficiencies-- an engineering problem that was finally
solved with the research and development that went into 600 film.
Then again, to borrow a couple of common maxims:
"One man's meat is another man's poison"
"That's not a bug, that's a feature!"
What's New (09/10/2004):
Actually, there's not a lot new here right now (though the
FAQ has a few updates), but I figured I'd
plug a future project while it's still timely. (drum-roll)
First, there was
The Land List.
Then came In Living Portacolor.
Now, coming soon to the Whirled is yet-another product-specific
virtual museum--
The Radaranger Lookout Post!
Right now, it's just a placeholder page illustrating the preparation
of corn-on-the-cob ala Amana Radarange. Bon apetit!
If that weren't enough, other Whirled projects you might see at
some point in the vague future include...
Phonografun: A collection of odd (and not-so-odd) novelty phonographs.
For example, one of the items in
this picture
is actually a phonograph designed to play full-size 45s or LPs
(though does so very badly). Can you guess which one?
Classic Computer Battle! Canon Cat vs. Cambridge Z88:
Two people. Two visions. Two computers. Two user interfaces.
Two 'modeless' office productivity programs.
Two marketplace dead-ends. Can there be one winner?
What's New (06/04/2004):
Various minor updates have been made to the FAQ
and the Non-Polaroid Instant Cameras pages--
including some photos of (and commentary about) the KMZ Foton. I've also
added a few new camera images scattered about the regular
Camera Listings pages. Also, in response
to the increasing number of queries I receive about how to safely
remove old grime (or yard-sale price stickers) from old Polaroid
cameras, I've added a new "HowTo" page on that general topic.
What's New (12/29/2003):
"Polaroid Says It's Hip To Be Square..?"
I don't generally comment much on Polaroid product introductions on
this page, but (now that I finally got around to updating my
Film Listings page appropriately) I thought
it might be nice to highlight some additions/changes made to Polaroid's
line of peel-apart packfilms a few months ago, for they might be of special
interest to classic Polaroid camera owners.
For one thing, you may have noticed that the
80-series ('square'-format)
packfilms had long appeared to be increasingly on the Polaroid
"endangered species list", especially in the USA. When was
the last time you saw 80-series film in stock at your local camera store? Even
a lot of the large mail-order stores stopped carrying them. Type 87 film
actually disappeared from Polaroid's USA web site years ago (and presumed
discontinued), and Type 88 was
often hidden away on the site, separated from its more glamorous
bretheren. However, it appears that Polaroid has just had an abrupt change
of heart for the lowly square-pack. Like a phoenix, it has been reborn,
stronger than ever-- this time as a new product line consisting of not just
two, but five different films, and even a re-designed OEM film back.
Now Type 88 and 87 have been joined by three new "pack"-mates--
Types 84, 85, and 89.
Yes, that new Type 85 is a 'square'
equivalent to Type 665 positive/negative film.
...And Type 89 is based on the all-new Type 690 film. Even plain-old
Type 88 is now based on Type 669 rather than the creaky old Type 108 film
emulsion. Also, like all the new 80-series films, the 'improved' 88
will now have 10 prints per pack rather than eight.
Square Shooters of the world rejoice,
for you can once again be bathed in the flash of a blue
Electric Zip.
Speaking of the new
Type 690 pack film,
I've received several emails from
people who have tried it, and most have generally regarded as the
best color instant pack film Polaroid has ever made. Not only does it
have even better color rendition than the previous champ,
Type 689, but the chemistry is apparently now almost "self-timing,"
much like Polaroid integral films. In other words, no longer do you
need to keep a close eye on your watch to make sure you don't overdevelop the
film. This in and of itself is perhaps the biggest
single technological improvement to reach Polaroid pack films in quite
some time.
In any case, the resurrection of 80-series film has nothing to
do with some sudden empathy at Polaroid for owners of 30-year-old plastic
Square Shooters.
What Polaroid is really doing is re-positioning this film
as a more efficient/economical format for use in film backs for professional
medium-format cameras-- one application that has likely (so far) had a
somewhat more minimal impact from digital technologies.
Now, (*heh heh*) if only we could come up with a plausible new market
for the old 40-series format... ;-) C'mon, Type 49 film? Can't
you just see it? :-) [ *rrring* *rrrring* "Hello? Is this Polaroid
Product Development?
Um, haven't you noticed that deckle-edged prints are coming back in style?
No? How about prints with a big triangular-shaped tab on one side? You haven't
seen that either? Well, trust me-- they're considered really arty these
days. My point? Oh, um, well, I think Polaroid needs to take advantage
of this new, um, 'trend' by re-introducing 40-series roll films, and perhaps
even introducing
a new camera for that format, let's call it the Model 950. Doesn't that
sound great? *click* Hello?? Hello??" ] Oh, well, maybe I should have
said "Model 110C" instead.
What's New (11/16/2003):
After much delay, I have finally (!) crunched the numbers on my Serial
Number Project, and have updated the
Cameras -> Rollfilm and
Cameras -> Packfilm pages with my first
preliminary set of estimated production numbers. See the Note following
the Key to Symbols at the top of those two pages for some quick tips
about how to interpret these numbers.
I will update my
Serial Number Project page in the near future with more details
about how the numbers were determined (for those interested in such
things), but I wanted to have something to put up for now. You may
be surprised at the relative production numbers of some models.
Some may be surprising simply because they're not surprising.
What's New (09/16/2003):
First, some shameless self-promotion: Searching the Google News archives,
I see that my original (text only) incarnation of The Land List made
its debut on rec.photo on Sept 10, 1993. Looks like I missed the 10th
anniversary by 6 days. :-) Also, I see that the hit counter on this
page has recently ticked over the 150,000 mark. Thanks to everyone for
their support over the years!
In other news, remember the Serial Number Project that I started here about two years ago..? Well, it has been a while
indeed, but little by little, the log of collected serial numbers has
been sloooowly growing, and is finally reaching the point where I think
I can make some fairly useful production estimates (or at least
'guesstimates') for many Polaroid rollfilm cameras and folding packfilm
cameras. I probably won't be ready to "publish" the findings
for a few weeks, but I felt a 'teaser' was in order. Also, I'd like to
encourage anyone who wasn't previously aware of the
project to use the form on that page to send in the serial numbers
from any cameras on that list that they own. Remember, every data point
helps! Thanks to everyone for their help.
What's New (05/29/2003):
It's been a while, but finally some new updates are coming to The Land List!
Right now, I've added a few new items to the FAQ
page, and added some content to the Cameras-Packfilm
page. There should be some more stuff added in the weeks ahead.
In other parts of the Whirled, my In Living Portacolor pages got some major updates last month (look
for the new Not-A-Portacolor page
in particular), and I'm starting to assemble together another
new "mini-museum" page which will feature some oddly-designed
portable phonographs. More about that later.
What's New (12/12/2002):
Lots of updates these past couple of weeks, including a number of corrections and informative tidbits sent in by site visitors. Thanks to everyone! I've even updated the credits page. :-)
Also, to coincide with the addition of the new More! navigation page, I've added a new 'feature'-- namely
the Polaroid Advertising Archive page.
Have fun!
What's New (08/02/2002):
Another old 'cobweb' in the corners of this site is finally getting some
badly-needed cleaning! Yes, it took long enough (about 3 years!), but
I'm finally updating the Non-Polaroid Instant
Cameras page. Sheesh! This is actually 'Phase 1' of what should be
a complete overhaul of that section.
In other news, (in case you care) the 'hit counter' for the main Land
List page (the page you're reading right now) finally reached the
100,000 mark in recent weeks. Thanks to everyone for their support!
This got me thinking, though. The Land List (including its
original, non-Web incarnation) is approaching its 10-year anniversary. (!)
Perhaps you've noticed that while this site contains plenty of product
information, there has never actually been any product for sale on
this site. Is there any merchandise (including merchandising items) you'd
like to see available here? ...Would you actually buy any such
products here if they were available? I'd be interested in your comments.
What's New (05/27/2002):
Lots of small changes here and there. I also added a new
"Mini-FAQ" page which will replace
the mailto: links on some pages. This should help direct
attention to the existence of the main FAQ page, which may otherwise be overlooked.
Also, I've added a Legal/Privacy info page.
Yes, it seems like every site has one of those these days. I tend to
look for them too. So, here's mine. It's sort of a work-in-progress
for now though.
What's New (02/04/2002):
Okay, so it wasn't in the "next few weeks," but here's the
start of a new Using a Polaroid Rollfilm
Camera HowTo page.
Yes, a Polaroid rollfilm camera user guide seems almost academic
at this stage in the game, but I do get asked about that from time
to time, and I thought it'd be a nice idea.
What's New (12/14/2001):
Various minor changes have appeared from time to time in the months
since August. I have now added a few new questions to the FAQ,
as well as a new HowTo page about
Close-Up Kit Substitutes for the Model 180/195 Cameras. Another new HowTo page will probably appear in the next
few weeks.
What's New (08/07/2001):
Made several minor updates to some camera and film descriptions.
What's New (05/28/2001):
The FAQ hierarchy of pages now includes a new
Serial Number Info page. However, right
now, it's a bit meager in terms of depth. Even so, I'm placing it on the
site, as it relates to a little project I've been wanting to launch for
a while. The project involves gathering serial numbers from as many
rollfilm and folding packfilm cameras as possible in order to try to
estimate production runs and other statistics which are otherwise
unobtainable. You can help out by visiting
the S/N Data Gathering Project page and
submitting the serial numbers from any such camera that you happen to
have. It's painless, and if enough folks pitch in, perhaps in a year
or so we'll actually be able to generate some useful statistics out
of all this!
What's New (05/24/2001):
Believe it or not, the Film Listings page has
been updated for the first time in (almost exactly) four years. (!)
It has been completely overhauled, and contains considerably more
information. In fact, in terms of HTML text size, it's close to 5 times
the size as the old page. It also now has image links like those
found elsewhere on the site. Speaking of images, the image links there
and on the camera pages now open in a separate window. If you leave
the 'link' window open and continue to click on image links, they too
will open in that same window. Hopefully this will be more convenient
without being more annoying.
In addition, a few additions have been made to the camera listings
pages, and the new navigation bars (and other navigation improvements)
continue to be phased in.
What's New (05/04/2001):
Regular visitors here may notice some major changes to the navigation bars
found on various pages on this site. Hopefully, they'll help make the
organization (or lack thereof) of this site a bit less confusing.
I'll probably tinker with the style a bit as I phase them in, but even
now it should be an improvement over the old, static, navigation bars.
Also, the Accessories List page has been
updated for the first time in over 18 months, and (finally!) starts
to include image links like those found on the camera pages. More
acessory images will be added as time goes on.
What's New (04/26/2001):
For the first time in about 2 years, the
Battery FAQ page has been updated.
Also, the less-than-obvious Alphabetical Camera Index has been
relocated to a more prominent place, as it is now incorporated
with the main Camera Listings page.
With all the new camera images that have been added to this
site in recent months, I've started to wonder if the image links
might be more convenient if they were to open in a new window.
While I'm not of the opinion that web sites should assume that I
really want new windows popping up when I click a link,
I thought I'd give it a trial run on the
gallery update page. Let me
know if you think it's annoying (or not). If you leave an image window
open, all the subsequent image link clicks should open in that same image
window, so you shouldn't have to worry about your desktop being
flooded with new browser windows.
In other news, the 'hit' counter for the main Land List page
(the very page you're reading right now) has just hit the 50 thousand
mark. Not exactly a big deal in the great scheme of things, but
not so bad considering that while the first 25,000 took some 3 years
to achieve (from the point when I first started keeping a hit counter),
the second 25k only took ten months. Thanks for
What's New (03/23/2001):
Even more image updates...
What's New (03/21/2001):
Lots of pictures, that's what. Some two dozen camera images have been
revised or added. If you're really curious which ones changed, you
can take a look at the gallery update page under the heading for 3/21/01. In particular, I've concentrated on
replacing all those old and/or
out-of-focus and/or poorly color-balanced images linked from the rollfilm
camera page. Whew! Oh, and a few listings have been updated as well.
Speaking of images, recently I started kicking around the idea
(again) of putting up some scans of various old Polaroid advertisements.
Some are really quite interesting, and they help demonstrate the evolution
of not only Polaroid cameras, but the public perception/image of them
as well. The problem, however, is that I'm not sure how to handle the
copyright issues of providing such material here. We'll see.
What's New (01/12/2001):
By popular demand (?), there's a new "How-To" page detailing
how to replace the Ni-Cd battery in a #365
flash. There are also several new/revised camera illustrations
for International-model pack cameras.
What's New (12/09/2000):
Made a few minor changes to a few camera listings, along with some added camera
Incidently, some of you might be interested in a new (but much, much smaller)
work-in-progress of mine. It's
In Living Porta-Color -- The
Story of the Color Television Design That Wouldn't Die.
What's New (10/13/2000):
I've started a couple of
camera model "timeline" pages.
These are pretty simplistic right now, and only cover rollfilm and packfilm
cameras, but should provide a way to help see the progression of camera
designs through Polaroid's history. Right now, it's a text-only table, but
I may rework it as a fully graphical diagram sometime in the future.
What's New (07/05/2000):
Added or revised a number of camera illustrations.
What's New (06/30/2000):
Made several updates to the FAQ page, as well
as some minor expansions to some of the descriptions in the
rollfilm camera page. By the way,
I see that the 'hit' counter for the main Land List page has gotten beyond
the 25 thousand mark! This might almost sound impressive, except for the
fact that this particular counter has been running for almost three years. :-)
Then again, I see that the hit frequency has been increasing at an almost
exponential rate-- almost two thousand hits alone are from just this
past month, for instance. Yeah, well, it's still not much to brag
about (perhaps I should just shut up while I'm ahead!), but I'm glad there
are at least a few other people out there interested in old Polaroid
cameras. :-) Thank you all very much for all your support!
What's New (05/24/2000):
Thanks in part to my new digital camera, new images linked to
on the Camera Listings pages will now be improved both in quality
and quantity (at last) ! [I started phasing in the new images in late
April, so you may have noticed some of them already; the new
images bear a copyright 'stamp'.] Image updates will probably be
fairly random, though. Also, I hope to start adding image links to the
Accessories List page in the next month or so, as none
of the accessory entries have had illustrations on the site so far.
By the way, if you're actually curious about finding the 'new'
camera pictures since the last time you visited, you can check this
gallery update page.
In addition to the new images, I've expanded some of the camera
descriptions a bit, and have added a new navigation aid to the
packfilm cameras page. I'm
planning to add a similar 'pictorial outline' table to the
other camera listings pages eventually, but this one will be
the most complex. Also, I'll have to see if it's really useful
or just adds unnecessary graphics to the page.
(this may evolve into a camera timeline or something in the distant
future, as far as that goes).
What's New (04/20/2000):
The rollfilm camera conversion page
has been revised, and now includes a 'gallery' of cameras (two, so far)
actually converted by visitors to this site.
Hey Hey! Thanks to a new
domain name, now you can also directly access this page as
NOTE: There's no need to change your bookmarks though, because it's simply
a web forward. My email address stays the same too (though mail to
mkuhn at landlist dot org should get forwarded to me anyway). ...not that
anyone will care, mind you, but I thought it'd be fun to create a
web banner 'ad' for the Land List now that it has its own domain.
Don't worry-- it won't actually appear on the Land List home page--
but you can see your choice of static
or animated versions.
[the only animated gif to be found as part of The Land List pages...]
Of course, you may use these banners for the purpose of web links to this
site if you like.
"Polaroid", "Land Camera" and other camera names are trademarks of Polaroid Corporation. No endorsement or approval by Polaroid Corporation is implied, nor is Polaroid responsible for the accuracy of the content of this web site. All information is provided on an 'as-is' basis; the author of this site is not liable for damages of any sort (financial, physical, or otherwise) which might arise from the use (or misuse) of information on this site.
Contents Copyright © 1992-2008 by Martin (Marty) Kuhn / / All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Land List Legal / Privacy Info
The camera diagram above the site logo, plus the images accompanying the "Exposure" and "Under Development" headings, were taken from the original Model 95 instruction sheet-- Copyright © 1948 Polaroid Corporation.