The Land List -- Rollfilm Cameras
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ROLL FILM CAMERAS (40-, 30-, and 20- Series films)
Key to Symbols Used On This Page:
Camera uses 40-series roll films. DISCONTINUED |
Camera uses 30-series roll films. DISCONTINUED |
Camera uses 20-series roll films. DISCONTINUED |
This model sold in International (non-USA) markets only. |
This model intended for "Special Markets" distribution
(i.e. corporate premiums, prizes, and other non-retail distribution) only. |
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NOTE! Production Estimates provided on this
page are based on statistical
observation (from accumulated reports of serial numbers recorded from
actual cameras), and are not intended or expected to have perfect accuracy.
Numbers in parentheses indicate "soft" limits, numbers not in
parentheses indicate "hard" limits.
Example: Estimated Production: 800,000 - (900,000)
This means that there almost certainly has to have been at
least 800,000 of that model made, but there probably were fewer
than 900,000 made (but beware that there still could be more).
Keep in mind that numbers are subject to change as new data is collected.

The following cameras use 40-series rollfilms.
Model 95:
Produced: 1948-1953 / Original Retail: $89.75
Estimated Production: 800,000 - (900,000)
- Lens: 135mm, f/11, 3-element glass.
- Shutter: 4 speed everset rotary-leaf design; 1/8 - 1/60, plus Bulb.
- Flash: M-sync via ASA-bayonet post connector.
- Exposure set by Light Value scale. ("Polaroid numbers")
- Folding viewfinder, with simple "ball-and-mast" parallax compensation
- Scale focus, with distance set by arcuate lever.
- Has two tripod sockets and cable-release socket.
- Polished steel body with brown fake-leather covering.
Some examples have chrome plated trim.
IMPORTANT FIRSTS: First Polaroid Land camera, first commercially
successful self-developing camera system.
NOTE 1: Earlier examples of this camera was made for Polaroid by Samson United of Rochester, with the lens made by
Wollensak (?) (Later models have bodies and lenses made by Polaroid
themselves-- this was a stopgap solution until Polaroid could set up
their own manufacturing line). A visitor reports that some Model 95's may have also been produced in a Timex plant in Atlanta.
NOTE 2: Unlike later Polaroid rollfilm camera models,
the 95 has a pair of clips in the film chamber to hold the "negative"
roll in place.
NOTE 3: I wonder if the metal finish (and perhaps the covering
adhesive) used on this camera may be different from the later rollfilm
models, as Model 95 cameras seem to be significantly more likely than
other Polaroid rollfilm cameras to exhibit pitting or corrosion of
exposed metal parts and/or bubbled or missing covering pieces.
However, that's merely my own observation; your mileage may vary,
so to speak.
COLLECTOR'S NOTES: Certain details of this camera underwent minor
changes during the overall production run. The most well-known
of these is the fact that most of them (the first 700,000 or so that
were produced)
have a flexible spring post on the front standard (for viewfinder
centering and parallax correction), whereas the later production
models (the remaining 1 or 2 hundred thousand or so) have a rigid
post instead. Also, the front nameplate was changed a few times
as well. The first 100,000 or so 95's have an engraved nameplate
with black ink used to fill in the engraved areas. The nameplate
on the later production models is silkscreened (in black ink)
instead. In
addition, the first 300,000 or so have the word "FLASH" (engraved
or silkscreened) around the ASA flash contact on the front, but this
label does not appear on later-production 95's.
interesting thing I have noticed is that the number (and selection)
of patents identified inside the back of the camera changed several
times during the production life of this camera. [Fun Do-It-Yourself
Research Project: Get an old Polaroid camera. Now go to the United
States Patent Office web site (
Look up the various patent numbers listed inside the camera. Fun eh?
Notice that many of the design concepts described/illustrated in the
patent applications for some of the early Polaroid camera patents are
surprisingly different from the products which actually got made/sold.]
Incidently, despite the historic significance of this
camera, there is very little demand for this camera in the USA
from a collector perspective. In part, this is probably due to its
relative commonness-- there were close to a million Model 95's produced
during its production life.
Model 95 [JPEG, 60k]
Model 95 (back view). The original quick instruction sheet is
fastened to the door, and the cardboard shipping/instruction label is
attached to the film release button. As packaged from the factory,
the 95 also had a little cardboard note attached to the front
standard pull (not visible here). [JPEG, 103k]
Model 95 (shown with original box). The box in this image is a later
style in which the cover lifts off the bottom. [JPEG, 34k]
Model 95 (shown with original box). This box has a pull-off endcap
instead, and precedes the other box style pictured. I don't know
at what point the
box changed, but it was probably after the first 400,000 at least.
Oh, and it happens that the cardboard note on the front standard pull is
visible in this image.
(Photo Credit: Peter Fricke) [JPEG, 38k]
Model 95 (shown with PR-22 meter, #200 flashgun, and #541 filter kit). [JPEG, 19k]
Model 95A ("Speedliner"):
Produced: 1954-1957 / Original Retail: $89.75
Estimated Production: 500,000
Similar to the Model 95 except:
- Lens: 130mm, f/8.8, 3-element glass.
- Shutter: 4 speed everset rotary-leaf design; 1/12 - 1/100, plus Bulb.
- Flash: M-sync via ASA post, X-sync via a special bi-pin connector.
- Folding viewfinder, with collapsible manually-set wire frame parallax
compensation device (instead of the flip-up post in the 95).
- Film release push-button switch replaced with (more 'fool-proof')
flip-style switch
- Polished steel body with brown fake-leather covering.
NOTES: Some Model 95A cameras may have some chrome-plated trim.
Model 95A [JPEG, 37k]
Model 95A (shown with original box) [JPEG, 32k]
Model 95B ("Speedliner"):
Produced: 1957-1961 / Original Retail: $94.50
Estimated Production: 230,000 - (300,000)
Similar to the Model 95A except:
- Exposure set by standard EV (Exposure Value) numbers rather than "Light
Value" numbers.
- Later production models have extra seals for light-tightness when
using 3000-speed film (identified by having
the letter 'L' preceding the serial number) and slightly later ones
yet also have a locking cutter bar.
Model 95B [JPEG, 47k]
Model 95B (shown with a compact Polaroid leather case of the same era. This
particular style seems to be less common than the larger Polaroid
cases-- perhaps because there's no room for film or any accessories...[JPEG, 37k]
Model 100 ("One Hundred"):
Produced: 1954-1957 / Original Retail: $??.??
Estimated Production: Insufficient Data (probably < 10,000)
Similar to the Model 95A except:
- Special commercial/industrial model; modified heavy-duty shutter and
rollers, and (possibly) lens made to stricter tolerances.
- Polished steel body with black or grey(?) textured covering
- Was also originally available as part of a complete kit for making ID pictures.
NOTE: Not to be confused with the far more common
"Automatic 100"
packfilm camera, which is an entirely different model.
COLLECTOR'S NOTES: Very Uncommon. All of the (few) examples of this
camera that I've seen have a covering that is black in color. I've heard
said that a grey
version may also exist, but I've never seen any real evidence to support
Model 100 ("One Hundred") [JPEG, 57k]
Model 100 ("One Hundred") -- Close-up of shutter trim plate [JPEG, 47k]
Model 110 ("Pathfinder"):
Produced: 1952-1957 / Original Retail: $249.50
Estimated Production: 14,000 - (21,000)
- Lens: 127mm, f/4.5, 4-element Wollensak Raptar
- Shutter: Wollensak Rapax, 1 - 1/400, plus Bulb and Time
- Flash: M,X sync via a bi-pin sync connector
- Folding viewfinder, with collapsible manually-set wire frame parallax
compensation device
- Coupled Kalart rangefinder mounted on top of body next to viewfinder
- Focus knob on camera bed
- Top of rangefinder has an exposure calculator for converting
Polaroid "Light Value" numbers to/from equivalent conventional
shutter speed and aperture settings.
- Polished steel (and/or chromium) body with black textured covering
NOTES: Early production models have a pushbutton film release switch and film
spool clips as in the original Model 95; later models have the flip-style
switch for the film release as in the 95A and later cameras.
In addition, some examples of this camera have some chrome-plated trim
rather than plain base metal. The presense of chrome plating would
seem to be random, however, and does not appear to correspond
consistently to cameras of particular serial number ranges.
Model 110 [JPEG, 40k]
Model 110A ("Pathfinder"):
Produced: 1957-1960 / Original Retail: $169.50
Estimated Production: 92,000 - 100,000
Quite a bit different than the Model 110:
- Lens: 127mm, f/4.7, 4-element Rodenstock Ysarex. (other variations exist)
- Shutter: Prontor SVS, 1 - 1/300 plus Bulb. (other variations may exist)
- Flash: M,X sync via a standard PC connector and Polaroid "hot shoe"
- Exposure set either by conventional speeds/apertures, or by EV numbers.
- Built-in self-timer. ("V" setting on shutter)
- Double-window viewfinder/rangefinder on top of camera, with automatic
parallax compensation (similar to Model 150).
- Focus knob on camera bed.
- Polished steel body with grey textured covering
- Hinged 'captive' lens cap. Late production models have an f/90 "pinhole" in the lens cap.
This alternate lens cap was also available from Polaroid as a retrofit
for earlier 110A's, so its presense shouldn't be taken as a sure sign of the
camera's age.
- Late production models have extra light
seals (indicated by a serial number starting with the letter 'L'),
and slightly later ones yet also have a locking cutter bar.
NOTE: This camera is sometimes found with a different lens/shutter combination
(i.e. an Ennit lens in a Prontor shutter). These variations may have
only been offered in versions sold outside North America.
Model 110A [JPEG, 50k]
Model 110B: ("Pathfinder")
Produced: 1960-1964 / Original Retail: $172.50
Estimated Production: 27,000 - (35,000)
Similar to the Model 110A except:
- Single-window viewfinder/rangefinder on top of camera, with projected
framelines and automatic parallax compensation.
- f/90 "pinhole" in lens cap.
- All 110B's have the locking cutter bar and extra light seals.
Model 110B [JPEG, 47k]
Model 120:
Produced: 1961-1965 / International Markets
Estimated Production: Insufficient Data; Pattern Not Determined
Similar to the Model 110A except:
- Made in Japan by Yashica for Polaroid Corporation; for international markets only
- Lens: 127mm, f/4.7, 4-element Yashinon.
- Shutter: Seikosha-SLV, 1 - 1/500 plus Bulb.
NOTE: This camera does not have (or need) the "pinhole" lens
cap like the 110B (or late-production 110A's). Instead, the lens
aperture itself provides extra stops of f/64 and f/90.
Model 150:
Produced: 1957-1960 / Original Retail: $109.95
Estimated Production: 310,000 - (400,000)
Similar to the Model 95B except:
- Flash: M-sync via Polaroid "hot shoe," X-sync via a special
bi-pin connector.
- Double-window viewfinder/rangefinder on top of camera, with automatic
parallax compensation.
- Focus knob on camera bed
- Polished steel body with grey textured covering
- Early production models have a plain cutter bar. Later examples
have extra light seals, and slightly later ones yet also have a
locking cutter bar. The presense of the
extra light seals can be determined by looking for the letter 'L'
in front of the serial number.
Model 150 [JPEG, 29k]
Model 150 shown with #440 Photoelectric Shutter installed [JPEG, 34k]
Model 160:
Produced: 1962-1965 / International Markets
Estimated Production: Pattern Not Determined (over 70,000; could be much much more)
Similar to the Model 150 except:
- Made in Japan by Yashica for Polaroid Corporation; for international markets only
- Has permanently lubricated roller bearings
Model 160 [JPEG, 50k]
Identification details of the 160 that are different from the Model 150.
That oval adhesive spot on the camera 'foot' is presumably the
remains of a JCII approval sticker.[JPEG, 92k]
Model 700:
Produced: 1955-1957 / Original Retail: $125.00
Estimated Production: 24,000 - (35,000)
Similar to the Model 95A except:
- Uncoupled Kalart rangefinder mounted on top of camera next to viewfinder
- Polished steel body with green-grey "reptile-texture" covering.
Model 700 [JPEG, 28k]
Model 700 -- a photographer's view from the back [JPEG, 34k]
Model 800: ("The 800")
Produced: 1957-1962 / Original Retail: $126.00
Estimated Production: 525,000 - (650,000)
Similar to the Model 150 except:
- Has permanently lubricated roller bearings and (supposedly) special high-precision
- Polished steel body with light tan textured covering.
Model 800 [JPEG, 51k]
Model 800 (back view). The quick-reference instruction sticker is
visible on the picture door.[JPEG, 92k]
Model 800 shown with case and a later version outfit box. [JPEG, 16k]
Model 800 shown inside case with several accessories. [JPEG, 60k]
Model 850:
Produced: 1961-1963 / Original Retail: $139.95
Estimated Production: 50,000 - (80,000)
Similar to the Model 150 except:
- Shutter: electrically controlled, 1/12 - 1/600, plus Bulb
- Automatic programmed exposure by CdS cell; manual control also possible
by EV settings.
- Focus by wheel on edge of bed, shutter release on end of bed.
- Polished steel body with light tan textured covering.
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Significantly less common than the similar Model 900.
Model 850 [JPEG, 70k]
Model 900:
Produced: 1960-1963 / Original Retail: $159.95
Estimated Production: 460,000 - (650,000)
Similar to the Model 850 except:
- Has single-window viewfinder/rangefinder with projected framelines and
automatic parallax compensation.
- Polished steel body with grey textured covering
IMPORTANT FIRSTS: First electrically-controlled shutter, first camera
with programmed (shutter and aperture) auto exposure (?).
Model 900 [JPEG, 27k]
Model J66:
Produced: 1961-1963 / Original Retail: $89.50
Estimated Production: Pattern not entirely known (over 900,000; could be a lot more)
- Lens: 114mm f/19 or f/14.5 meniscus (single-element) plastic
- Shutter: pneumatic rotary; 1/15 - 1/1000
- Flash: built-in hinged tilt-out flashgun for AG-1 bulbs
Flashgun can be rotated and pivoted to provide either bounce or direct flash.
- Automatic exposure; shutter speed controlled by selenium cell;
manual control not possible.
- Designed only for use with 3000-speed (B&W) film, though a
color adapter kit (#660) was made available later in the product's life.
- Flip-up viewfinder with projected framelines
- Simple two-position zone focus.
- Self-erecting bellows on scissor struts; no bed.
- Polished steel body with grey textured covering.
NOTE 1: The shutter mechanism on this camera is rather unusual in
design, and consists of a slitted rotating disc which
is controlled by a pneumatic cylinder. The meter cell controls a
vane which in turn regulates the flow of air from the cylinder,
thus allowing for a range of shutter speeds. The mechanism used
in the J66 and J33 cameras is also similar to that used in the
#440 Photoelectric Shutter accessory that was available
for most of the other Polaroid rollfilm cameras.
NOTE 2: There are three different minor revisions of this camera; these
can be differentiated by checking the color of the extra dot on the
Lighten/Darken control ring. The 'yellow dot' cameras are the original
ones from before 1962, and these allow for a maximum aperture of only
f/19. This is probably the most common version of the three.
The two later
versions have blue and green dots respectively, and allow
for a maximum aperture of f/14.5. I'm not sure what the difference
between the 'blue dot' and 'green dot' cameras is, but it apparently
has something to do with the flash exposure system.
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Probably the most common camera in this group.
This was a very popular camera at its time-- it wasn't particularly
versitile, but it was easy to use, had a built-in flashgun, and was
somewhat less expensive than its brandmates at the time.
Model J66 [JPEG, 25k]
>> BONUS FEATURE: Robins 1-2-3D "Instant Stereo" attachment:
Here's an odd third-party (or should that be three-d-party..?)
accessory which converts a Polaroid J66 or J33 into a stereo
camera by means of an image splitter. Robins also made versions
for other Polaroid camera models, but one interesting thing
about the J66/J33 version specifically is that the camera attachment
also includes an extra pair of mirrors to serve as a 'periscope'
to direct light to the camera's meter cell (electric eye).
This is a necessary design feature, because this accessory would
otherwise cover up the meter cell. A sliding mask on the front
allows this device to also be used for taking
two entirely separate pictures on the same film sheet, or for
making trick photos by using the attachment as a
simple "matte-box."
The attachment as packaged also included a simple plastic stereoscope
for viewing the finished stereo photographs.
Actually, the only real problem I can see with this thing is the design of
the metal clips which hold the attachment against the lensboard.
The springiness of the clips may very well improve
the "hang-time" of the attachment when it suddenly launches
itself unexpectedly from the front of the camera, but it'd have
probably been nicer if said springiness could instead serve to hold the
attachment on the camera where it belongs. One can only guess
the number of years of bad luck that have been caused by flying
Robins stereo
attachments. [six mirrors times seven would add up pretty fast...]
Of course, a stereo attachment for a camera isn't terribly useful
when there's no film supply for the camera. So, in the interest
of actually trying to get some use out of this thing,
I just couldn't resist trying the '1-2-3D' attachment on a classic
folding pack camera instead (a Model 450).
As it turns out, it fits pretty well--
the lighten/darken control
on the J66 and J33 is the same diameter as those on the folding pack cameras--
only a small cardboard spacer is required to make the attachment
fit squarely on the lensboard. The meter cell is just slightly
too close to the lens compared with the J66, but it's still workable.
The spring clips fit even more tenatively than they do on the J66, but a
bit of electical tape or some rubber bands will probably take care
of that the next time I try this thing out.
Robins '1-2-3D' (J66/J33 version): [JPEG, 70k]
Model J66 shown with Robins '1-2-3D' stereo attachment.[JPEG, 33k]
Model 450 automatic pack camera shown with the same attachment installed.[JPEG, 37k]

The following cameras use 30-series rollfilms.
Model 80: ("Highlander")
Produced: 1954-1957 / Original Retail: $69.95
Estimated Production: 610,000 - 730,000
- Lens: 100mm f8.8 3-element glass
- Shutter: 2-speed everset rotary-leaf design; 1/25 and 1/100 plus Bulb
- Flash: M-sync via Polaroid "hot shoe"
- Exposure set by Light Value scale ("Polaroid numbers")
- Rigid viewfinder on top of camera
- Scale focus by rotating lens front-element, no rangefinder.
- Self-erecting bellows design
- Steel body with brown painted crackle finish.
NOTE: Most (but not all) original Model 80's have some chrome-plated trim.
This is especially noticeable on the focus ring. The equivalent parts on the
80A and 80B are simply polished steel without the chrome plating.
Model 80 [JPEG, 29k]
Model 80A: ("Highlander")
Produced: 1957-1959 / Original Retail: $72.75
Estimated Production: 400,000 - 570,000
Similar to the Model 80, except:
- Exposure set by standard EV (Exposure Value) scale.
NOTE: The plastic viewfinder housing is a slightly different color
than that of the Model 80. The plastic on the 80A and 80B is a
sort of generic light beige color, while the 80 has a slight
olive/greenish tint to it. Note also that many 80A/80B cameras
are found with plastic parts which are considerably darker
in color, but this appears to be a UV aging effect and not a
reflection of the original factory color.
Model 80A. (That metal collar visible around the "I-B" switch
is part of the light-seal retrofit kit for 3000-speed film.)[JPEG, 53k]
Model 80A with #250 Wink-Light mounted on the accessory shoe [JPEG, 36k]
Model 80B: ("Highlander")
Produced: 1959-1961 / Original Retail: $72.75
Estimated Production: 175,000 - (300,000)
Like the Model 80A, except has a different cutter bar and film release switch.
Model 80B [JPEG, 32k]
Model J33:
Produced: 1961-1963 / Original Retail: $74.95
Estimated Production: 280,000 - (350,000)
- Lens: 101mm meniscus (single element), plastic
- Shutter: pneumatic; 1/15 - 1/1000
[see J66 description for details]
- Flash: built-in hinged tilt-out flashgun for AG-1 bulbs. Flashgun can be rotated and pivoted to provide either bounce or direct flash.
- Automatic exposure; shutter speed controlled by selenium cell.
Manual control not possible.
- Designed only for use with 3000-speed (B&W) film, though a
color adapter kit (#330) was made available later in the product's life.
- Rigid viewfinder on top of camera
- Simple two-position zone focus.
- Self-erecting bellows on scissor struts; no bed.
- Steel body with brown painted crackle finish
NOTE: Like the J66, this camera was revised in mid-production, but
there are only two color-dot variations-- yellow and blue (See description
of the J66).
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Not uncommon, but much less common than the similar J66.
Model J33 [JPEG, 32k]
Model J33 shown with #330 Color Adapter Kit installed [JPEG, 40k]

The following cameras use 20-series rollfilms.
Model 20: ("Swinger")
Produced: 1965-1970 / Original Retail: $19.95
Estimated Production: A Whole Bunch (Pattern Not Completely Determined)
- Lens: Meniscus (single element, plastic)
- Shutter: Single speed rotary, everset, 1/200 second
- Flash: built-in flashgun for AG-1 bulbs
- Exposure setting assisted via built-in photometer
- Fixed focus
- Rigid white plastic body
NOTES: Earlier production models have both "YES" and "NO"
indications in the finder. Later ones have a plain checkerboard 'reference' screen on
the photometer, thus indicating proper exposure with only the "YES"
message. Also, some Swingers have a white back latch, while others have
a black latch. Not sure if there is any correspondence between these
two distinctions, but it appears that the white latch is usually an indication
that the camera has the YES-only photometer.
Incidently, the Swinger (and its later relatives
in the Polaroid family, such as the
Big Swinger
and the Zip) is
one of the
very few mass-market cameras ever produced by anyone which has this
type of exposure metering aid. At some point, I might put together a
brief article about how the Swinger photometer works, as it's actually rather
clever in its own little way.
Most Swingers were made in the U.K. by (apparently) General Time
(i.e. Timex) for Polaroid Corporation, but earlier ones (and in
particular some (most?)
"YES/NO" models) were made in the USA.
[Note: Does anyone know for sure about General Time being the manufaturer of this and other "Made in U.K." Polaroid cameras..?
If so, was this
under contract, or did Polaroid eventually buy the plant
from General Time?]
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: Probably the most common/plentiful camera of any kind
ever made (and therefore basically worthless in today's market). Literally millions were sold. This camera was very
inexpensive compared with all other previous Polaroid cameras, and
introduced a lot of young people to instant photography. [...and the
heavy advertising towards the youth market didn't hurt either.]
Swinger (Model 20) [JPEG, 26k]
Swinger (Model 20) with packaging and film boxes [JPEG, 29k]
An 'international' Swinger. It looks ordinary enough...[JPEG, 34k]
...But this one has a metric flash distance scale...[JPEG, 35k]
...and instructions in Dutch on the back. [JPEG, 32k]
Model 415:
Produced: 19??-19??
Similar to Model 20
NOTE: While this camera has been cataloged in at least one Polaroid
publication and is listed in McKeown's Guide (at very little value),
I'm not sure I've ever seen one, and one visitor to this site has
suggested that it may not actually exist. If you've seen one of
these, let me know!
It appears that the entry for this camera has been removed from the
most recent edition of McKeown's Guide, which would tend to suggest
that it indeed does not exist.
[Perhaps 415 was originally a typo for M15 ..?]
I'm leaving this entry here for now, however, just as an information
Model M15: ("Swinger Sentinel")
Produced: 19??-19?? / Original Retail: $18.45
Estimated Production: Pattern Not Completely Determined
Similar to the Model 20, except:
- Flash: pin jacks for optional detachable flashgun for AG-1 bulbs
- Plastic body is grey in color
- As far as I know, all M15's have the "YES"-only photometer
and are made in the UK.
COLLECTOR'S NOTE: While the Model 20 is extremely common, the M15
variant is somewhat uncommon, especially when found with the optional
M15 ("Swinger Sentinel") [JPEG, 39k]
Swinger II:
Produced: 19??-19?? / International Markets
Estimated Production: No Data
International-markets version of Swinger Sentinel M15 (USA model).
Retail price in 1972 in the UK was £5.95.
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Last updated 11/16/2003
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